Welcome to the Minuto blog

minuto blog পড়ার সময়কাল: 3 িনিট

This post marks the introduction of this blog about Minuto - an alternative means of payment and social networking project.

In this post you will read about the purpose of this blog and what you can expect from it. You will also learn how to find out about new posts and share them with your friends.

Why a blog about Minuto?

Minuto is a local and regional currency that can be used virtually anywhere in the world, unless prohibited by local laws.

However, on the Internet you will currently find very little information on Minuto in English and other languages - apart from the Minuto wiki in English and the Minuto concept in English and Spanish.

The info portal at minuto.org now makes information on Minuto accessible to more people, as it is available in the ten most commonly spoken languages plus five others.

The blog complements the info portal with current, informative and easy to read posts, in English and German. German because Minuto was invented in Germany and is currently mostly used there.

The Minuto info portal with the blog are a website on its own. It's easily accessible, as neither a special app nor a user account is required and it doesn't sell your data.

In the long run, the blog posts will lead to Minuto being found better on the Internet and via search engines. Minuto will become better known and more attractive, both in your region and elsewhere.

What can you expect from the Minuto blog?

Minuto has some interesting characteristics, some of which are little known. For example, did you know that it is stable in value and only works with trust? In the coming posts, we will gradually discover these features, which will allow you to get to know Minuto better and also try it out yourself.

Along the way, you will learn about my and other people's findings and experiences with those vouchers for quality work time. You can also look forward to news about Minuto.

As this blog is a hobby project, new posts will only appear from time to time, probably every few weeks or so.

Bookmark, subscribe and share

To keep up, save the blog's homepage as a browser bookmark or add it to the home screen on your phone. And visit the page from time to time.

However, subscribing to the posts as a news feed is more convenient. All you need is a so-called feed reader that allows you to subscribe to them without having to give your email address. Read more about it it this post.

Also, feel free to share the website, blog or specific posts with your friends. I added those buttons in the footer to make it easy for you.

I am looking forward to our journey.

Best wishes,

Do you have a question about Minuto?

Check the frequently asked questions (FAQ) of the Minuto wiki, ask in this group on Telegram (German and English spoken) or otherwise send me an email to .

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