Find out what Minuto is and how it works.
Learn more about Minuto, its usage and find answers for frequently asked questions in the Minuto wiki. There you find the Minuto voucher templates and other documents to use and promote Minuto.
for Austria, Germany and Switzerland
This is a live example of an online marketplace where Minuto users in Austria, Germany and Switzerland can post offers and requests and find Minuto users in their vicinity:
An interview with Sebastian who published a whitepaper about a new method for exchanging digital vouchers,for example digital Minutos (part 2/2).
Read moreAn interview with Sebastian who published a whitepaper about a new method for exchanging digital vouchers, for example digital Minutos (part 1/2).
Read moreTry out the dark mode that this website now offers and learn how it relates to Minuto, the alternative means of payment.
Read moreMinutos are self-issued and you can start at any time1! Join a Minuto group in your region to take advantage of Minuto, or start a new group.
Would you like to help spread Minuto to other parts of the world? Then register for an account for the Minuto wiki and translate the information and documents into the language of your choice.
Set up a Minuto website, a page/group on social media or a marketplace with offers and requests for your country or language area1. I am happy to link to it from this portal. Just inform me by sending an email to the address below.
This website provides information about the Minuto concept in several languages and links to websites and social media pages with country-, region- and language-specific information on Minuto. We assume no liability for the linked content.
1 Legal notice: Initially, the concept of Minuto was created in and for Germany. If you live elsewhere you need to check the legal and tax situation for the specific country. Please consult a lawyer and a tax advisor before you go public.
( Updated on 3 February 2025 )