minuto.org now available in Indonesian

minuto blog مدة القراءة: 3 دقيقة

Welcome Indonesian speakers to the multilingual info page about Minuto, a self-issued complementary currency!

Minuto in a nutshell in 16 languages

With the latest language version in Indonesian, the info page about Minuto at minuto.org is now available in the 13 most widely spoken languages in the world (by total speakers according to Wikipedia) plus three more, making a total of 16 languages, which are:

Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, English, French, German, Greek, Hindi, new: Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Spanish, Filipino, Polish, Portuguese and Russian.

Together, these mother tongues cover over a third of the world's population. For now, however, I am particularly pleased that the Minuto idea is also accessible to Indonesian speakers.

Indonesia, the fourth most populous nation

Around 200 million people in the world speak Indonesian. Indonesia is the world's largest island nation, consisting of over 17,500 islands and is the fourth most populous nation in the world with around 275 million citizens, after India, China and the United States of America.

Indonesia is also very diverse in terms of cultures, languages and religions and has far more to offer than the well-known vacation destination of Bali.

Read more about Indonesia on Wikipedia.

minuto.org is the place to start

The multilingual info page minuto.org is particularly suitable for giving friends all over the world a brief overview of the alternative payment method Minuto and introducing the Minuto concept to people who speak other languages, like Indonesian.

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Translators welcome

Would you like to help spread Minuto to other parts of the world? Help translating the Minuto wiki into the language of your choice.

More on translating in the Minuto wiki.

Legal notice

As mentioned on the home page, the Minuto concept was primarily developed for Germany. If you would like to use Minuto in another country, please clarify the legal and tax situation with a lawyer and tax advisor before issuing or using any Minuto there.

For more information on Minuto check out the Minuto wiki.

Salam hangat,

Picture credit:
Own work based on an illustration by fauzan291, Pixabay Licence

Do you have a question about Minuto?

Check the frequently asked questions (FAQ) of the Minuto wiki, ask in this group on Telegram (German and English spoken) or otherwise send me an email to .

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